Saturday, 17 April 2010

walk in turmusaya - between 2007- 2010- between the dream and reality

Walk in Turmusaya
Between 2007 – 2010- between the dream and reality

If you had the chance to go to turmosayya in the year 2007, your legs must take you –especially if you are one of horse's lovers - to " turmusaya equestrian club ", that great sport club of all, that had developed itself in very soon time to become one of the greatest equestrian club in Palestine, and had become one of the most important places you must visit if you go to turmosayya.

At that time this was my true entry to the great village "turmusaya".
In this place I'm not trying to talk about the club itself, even though I can't deny the fact that this club had the best roll in the fame of this village, but I ask you to come with me to this place, so everyone of us can ride his horse, and take a tour in this wonderful village to get to know it closely.
You have " watan " zina " "sezer " " shams " " hedaya " and " "altayeb " , and it's your choice to make of which one you want to ride , even though I don't recommend you to take the last two , they are Arabian , so it's hard to ride .
We are very lucky , this is " Mr. ahraf rabie'e , and this is " trainer kaled al –franje" , one of them will take hedaya , and the other will take tayeb , and we don't have to worry about which horse of them you want to ride " , so you will take zina , and I will take watan , so our journey can begin .
Now look, we are crossing the club, this is the line that separate the two close villages, " Abu flah" and "turmosayya", look at the beauty of nature in front of you, our luck is great because we are in spring time, it's a green smile, have you seen this kind of smile before, look it's expanding, to cover all what we can see, the footsteps of the horse is kind of music, isn't that right.
Take a look at " tayeb " and " hedaya" , they seems as if they want to run , but " kaled " and " ashraf " are very good at keeping them stable as they are .
The more we get to the east, the difference in building we see , the significant building more to be , I don't think it's only houses , it's very close to be a palace .
Mr. Ashraf, you are our Gide, talk to us about this village.
The name of this village " turmus , aya " , turmos was the name of the man who was in charge of this village , at the time Palestinian were asked to pay the taxes , in the time Palestine was under the ottoman rule , turmos refused to pay , so people said in Arabic that " turmos ayya , " ayya means that he refused , from that time until now people started to call this village " turmosayya" .
The village, is away from the city Ramallah about 22 kilo meters , it's population is around 8,000 people , half of them are immigrants in the state , in brazil and other places around the world .
These are the olive fields, and it's one of the most important trees in the village, the honors of the fields take a very good care of them, its production from the olive, a lot of it is turned into oil.
In the village there is two olive oil presses, three schools, hospital, one legal court "for the marriage and divorce cases", people here get married a lot, we have around 80 marriages in the year.
The village sets on a field called "field aid" and raises 270 meters above sea level, and as all can see it's surrounded by a lot of villages such as: "julad, singil, eastern farm, and abu falah.
The sad part of the story of turmosayya is that the Israeli occupation have succeeded in taking one of the best areas on this land and located to the settlement " shilo ", such as , (Khirbat Abu bored) (and Khirbat Kafr Stona) (Khirbat al Amoria) (Khirbat al-Rashid), and much more , that I can't even count.
Israeli might have succeeded in taking some of the land , but we " turmosayweye" make sure to keep the rest of it and take a very good care of what's left from the land as best as we can .
I can see a woman wearing the traditional Palestinian dress, "thoub.
This is a very traditional thing in this village, that people develop themselves, but in the same way they connect to the tradition very closely, in this place I'm not only talking about how the women dress themselves, but also in the way we developed everything we have in this village.
It's very true what you are saying Mr. Ashraf, I couldn't stop noticing the way these wonderful buildings you have in this village are built , but though we can still smell the olive , as I noticed in this small walk we had , that every house have its own garden , which is full of plants , and the honor seems to take care of the land he have much more than he take of his house , as if the honor is getting back in time , in the time his grandfather and father used to be farmers , he felt he was doing something for his country .

Exactly why The townspeople and members of municipal are very proud of the children of the village here and abroad as they did not hesitate in one day to provide material support and moral support to their town Turmosayya until they reached what was already made and urban infrastructure. Turmusaya is the first town where two banks opened in the same period. In the village there is now quick Intranet service as well.
Mr. Ashraf, This village and its people have the whole right to be proud of themselves and their children as well, because this is the way the way our land should be treated like.
We will continue our walk, but first we have to get down from the horses, and go to a very important place that we must see.
We got into a small street all throw way up, until we reached some old houses, and I realized we were in the old city, amazing houses, the old city of turmosayya was only seven houses, and one of them was " mukhtar " house, and that as the whole village, the village people used to live with their own animals, horses goats and cows.
We got the chance to go up to the roof of the mukhtar's house, from there we could see the difference in time, turmusaya before and turmosayya now, it was indescribable seen and feeling.
It's such an amazing thing how these people have managed to take themselves all the way up, how they could develop themselves, but at the same time keep their hearts the way they were before.
I must say Mr.ashraf. It's very rare especially in this time, to find people like those, that no matter how much they developed, they will never forget how they begin, and not just that they'll be proud when talking about their beginning, from being farmers, to buisness men.

you know what Mr, ashraf , from the first time i had put my leg in this village , i felt as i was one of its people .
the people here really give this kind of welcome , as if they had known you for years , it's such an amazing felling , to feel that you have two homes , as warm as each other .


  1. Thats such a great writing, that makes the reader want to visite this villag.
    there was a lot of imprtant information about Tormosayyah , but i hop if u write more about the history of turmosayyah, and talk about the changes this villag went throw the different acupation in palestine.

    it's nice how i can see that you belong to this villag ,but i didnt see this thing alot or the way that you really feel and love, or the pation for this village.

    good choise for the words, but i think you should write more deep to show us how much you care and love this village .
    And nice conversation with a person whom really belong to this villag and know everything about it.

  2. thanks eman , i will try to work on what you said , thansk a lot
